
Party Time!!

You may remember we officially celebrated the one-year Anniversary of Dynamic You Fitness a couple weeks ago...but now it's time to party!

Join us tomorrow, Saturday June 1, 2013 anytime from 10:30 am to 1:30 pm for summer treats, the kick-off to our 60-DAY SUMMER CHALLENGE, give-aways and fun!

Zumba with Jannet at 10:00 am
TRX + Kettle bells with Megan at 11:00 am

We have a lot of fun give-aways from our amazing neighbors including Sushi Central, Fariba Hair & Skin Care, Lenzini's Pizza and more!
Stop by and sign up for the 60-DAY SUMMER CHALLENGE, pick up tips and tricks to stay healthy and fit this summer, and if you're up for keeping a food journal we'll have those for you too!

We'd love to see you - bring your friends and family (kids too!) and don't miss the party!

Hot fun in the Summer Time!

It's not officially summer quite yet...unless your official (unofficial?) start is Memorial Day weekend...but we're totally ready to kick off the Dynamic You Fitness Summer Challenge!!
If you missed our "Night of Nutrition" workshop last night with Nancy and Josh, you missed a fun night with great information and tips! But we've got your information for you!

Summer is about lazy afternoons, warm days at the beach and flip flops....but don't lose all the hard work you've done just for sand and sun.
Be sure you continue staying consistent with your Dynamic You Fitness classes...you'll feel even better in those shorts and sundresses!

So Who's Ready for a Challenge?
What & Why: 
Join us at Dynamic You Fitness for a 60-Day Summer Fitness Challenge! We love seeing everyone's motivation and dedication to their workouts, so we thought, why not make things more interesting with a little friendly competition to help you reach your goals faster. Give us everything you've got for 60 days, and we promise you'll be glad you did!

Start date: Saturday, June 1, 2013
End date: Thursday, August 1, 2013

* A minimum of eight (8) classes per month must be taken in order to remain in the competition
* Participants will be measured in two categories - total body fat percentage lost and length of time you can hold a plank
* Prizes will be awarded to one winner and one runner-up in each category
* Measurements will be taken at Dynamic You Fitness studios at the 30-day mark
* Participants will be encouraged to keep weekly food journals, which can be picked up at Dynamic You Fitness.

Be sure to check out our blog all summer long for updates on the challenge, delicious summer foods and ideas to stay healthy if you're taking a vacation!

And of course, let us know if you have questions and don't forget to sign up for the challenge at the studio!!


Tell us the truth. Is this true?

Ever heard someone say "the best time to ____ each day is ____"
Whether it's the best time to get your brightest idea, get the most out of your morning walk, get a 'yes' when you're statistically more likely to hear 'no'...there are (apparently) the best times of day for it. And we've all heard there's a 'best time to workout' 'eat' 'nap' but is it really true?
Check out this article from Oprah Magazine, Simplify Your Life
Perhaps there is a 'best' time to get it all done. 


Kicking a (very) bad habit

There are an awful lot of bad habits out there. Whether yours is eating too many sweets, enjoying one too many libations, procrastination, smoking, a deep love of potato chips...we all have them and we know lots of people with them. But today we're talking about a bad habit of a different sort. Fat Talk. Disparaging comments about your body, weight, physical insecurities. So many people - women in particular - spend a great deal of time on a daily basis putting themselves down, comparing their assets (or what is perceived as a lacking of assets) to those of others and wishing they were different. 
And it isn't always about putting yourself down. If you've ever had someone give you a compliment - whether about your outfit, your make-up, your hair - and you couldn't fully accept it with grace, that's part of this bad habit as well.
Often, we're so busy thinking of all the things we don't like about ourselves we leave very little (if any) room to appreciate someone noticing something good. 

Health Magazine recently shared information about this and ways to curb the Fat Talk. Changes to the way we think about ourselves will actually improve our energy levels and moods - reason enough to consider kicking this very bad habit to the curb.


A Balancing Act

Like many, this is a word you hear a lot. It's overused, widely wished for, often ignored. And yet, we all (or a LOT of us) secretly (or not so secretly) crave it like our favorite meal. The debates about whether it's possible, and how to achieve it, are many. And what is means for everyone is vastly different. 


Whatever the meaning for each of us, it's worth exploring reasons it matters and ways to achieve it. A recent article from Fitness Magazine does just this. 

Whether you're looking for a way to enjoy your morning cup of coffee, spend more time with your kids, exercise without feeling pressured to be somewhere else, a chance to curl up with your favorite book, or even to get more time in at the office without the feeling something (or someone) else is in need of your attention - this article has some ideas. 


Happy Memorial Day

Everyone at Dynamic You Fitness wishes you a Happy Memorial Day!

We look forward to welcoming you back to the studio tomorrow, May 28th! 


10 Great Hiking Trails in your 'backyard'

Your beloved fitness studio is closed in observance of the Memorial Day weekend...we'll miss you too. In lieu of your favorite Sunday classes, we thought we'd encourage you get outside.  

There are some amazing hiking spots across this great city, so we did a little research to bring you a few ideas - courtesy of a great article in Los Angeles Magazine.
Here are just a few highlighted options.

Griffith Park, Hollywood Hills
13 miles round-trip, strenuous level of difficulty, highlights include amazing views and solitude

Sandstone Peak, Santa Monica Mountains
Six miles round-trip, moderate level of difficulty, highlight is a view of the Channel Islands 

Stunt High Trial, Santa Monica Mountains
Four miles round-trip, moderate level of difficulty, highlight includes seeing wildlife

We hope you're enjoying your holiday weekend!


Things to do this Memorial Day weekend

 Happy Memorial Day weekend everyone! We hope you have some fun things planned for your long, holiday weekend. Just in case you could use some ideas...here are a few things happening around the area this weekend. 
Of course, before the celebrations begin, we hope to see you at 10 am for Zumba with Jannet or at 11 am for TRX + Kettle bells with Megan!
THEN you can go enjoy your holiday!

The annual Street Food Cinema is returning this weekend! The Grilled Cheese Food Truck (among others) will be there. Enough said?
We thought so. But check out the details...it's about food and movies.

Though down the road from our area, there's a great event in Hermosa Beach this weekend - Fiesta Hermosa!  This great music event will take place May 25th - May 27th from 10 am to 6 pm each day. Ride your bike and 'parking' is free!

UCLA hosts the JazzReggae Festival on Sunday and Monday! May 26th is Jam Day and May 27th is Reggae Day. It's not all about the music though - don't miss the art galleries and food!

Just want food and drinks specials information? We have you covered.
Check out the list from Los Angeles Magazine.

Whatever you decide to do, enjoy and be safe!
We'll see you Tuesday!


Cheers! It's (almost) Memorial Day weekend!

Cheers! It's almost Memorial Day weekend - for some of you, the celebrations have begun! We've set you up for some delicious foods and desserts, now we want to be sure you're all set with a cocktail or two.

Summer is the perfect time to experiment with tasty beverages, especially with so many fruits in season. So whether you're hosting a backyard barbecue for family and friends, or throwing a small soiree for just a few, these ideas should help make toasting to the beginning of summer easy!

Whether you're celebrating with fresh lemonades, iced teas and flavored waters, Sangria, mojitos or margaritas, there's a beverage for everyone!

Shape Magazine has some great ideas for lightening up those cocktails, starting with Eppa Superfruit Sangria

Want a margarita with an ingredient which actually improves your memory? Try Greenhouse Sage Margaritas

And Eating Well has an entire section dedicated to Healthy Holiday Cocktails for your Memorial Day weekend celebrations. 

Cheers, enjoy!


Desserts for Memorial Day weekend!

This is actually very sound advice. Especially for a holiday weekend filled with yummy foods. 
That said....you didn't work hard all month long to totally ruin your efforts with one holiday weekend. So we'd like you to have your cake and eat it too, so to speak, with some healthier versions of your favorite sweets. 

It's strawberry season, so we love the idea from Eating Well for Strawberry Shortcake

Delish has a great idea for Peach, Rhubarb and Ginger Crisp 

And we know a certain member of the Dynamic You Fitness team can't ever turn down a brownie...so for them we found a lighter version of the delicious sweet.

If you're truly looking to keep it light, always keep in mind the tasty option of fresh fruits with some light whipped cream or yogurt can be just as (okay almost just as) delicious.


Memorial Day weekend countdown!

Perhaps the weekend is actually still a couple of days away....but you know we like to plan ahead. 
If your long weekend plans include a barbecue or picnic, we want to make sure your grocery shopping list is all set.  

And while the weekend should be about celebrating and enjoying the unofficial beginning of summer with some of your favorite treats, it's no surprise we're hoping you'll make a few healthy choices. 

Eating Well has some great ideas for you and we're excited about a few of them. You do, after all, have three days to fill. 

Keep in mind your selections from the picnic basket, grill or backyard barbecue spread aren't just about calories. It's important to watch your sodium, sugar and cholesterol too.  But you don't have to miss out on all the delicious fun just because you're watching your waistline. 

If you're as excited as we are to break out the grill, we love the Grilled Pizza with Pesto, Tomato and Feta recipe 

If you're all about the traditional picnic foods, this Country Potato Salad recipe just might do the trick

Or if you're looking for a twist on the Cheeseburger, this recipe is something to try

We're hungry already. 

Tune in tomorrow for dessert ideas. And on Friday for cocktails. 
We told you we'd have you covered.


What are you doing the rest of the month?

It's been a busy week at Dynamic You Fitness, and it's only Tuesday! 
We are so excited to welcome Jannet back to the studio!

After an exciting tour with her dance company on the beautiful islands of Hawaii, Jannet is back where our Zumba clients are most happy to have her - teaching at Dynamic You Fitness! Be sure you take advantage of her upcoming class this Saturday at 10 am. 

There's always a party happening in the studio on Monday nights....have you tried Piloxing yet? 

You'll want to reserve your spot because it's filling up! Join Tiffany for boxing, Pilates and dance with crazy fun energy and spirit. You won't be able to stop smiling the entire hour!

What are you doing next Thursday night, May 30th? 
We have a great night planned for you! Join Sarah Ann for class at 6 pm. She always brings great energy and you'll be sweating within minutes. Or join Josh at 7 pm for a 30 minute boot camp guaranteed to raise your heart rate. You'll work with such intensity, all you need is a half hour.
And at 7:30 pm don't miss our "Night of Nutrition" workshop with Nancy! We're ready for summer and we've got an announcement you won't want to miss.

Sign up for your classes and the nutrition workshop - space is limited!