
Fitness tips for the 60 DAY SUMMER CHALLENGE

If you're participating in the Dynamic You Fitness 60 DAY SUMMER CHALLENGE we congratulate you on completing week one! Did you make it to some classes? Try a new workout you hadn't done before, or in quite some time?
As we head into week two, we want to share some fitness tips for helping you perform your best - not just throughout this challenge and the summer - but always.

Fitness tips
1. Be consistent
Whether you take class once a week or four times a week, consistency is key. Sticking with it can be a challenge, but eventually it will become a habit you'll be glad you developed. 

2. Pay attention to form
Using proper form in class ensures you are engaging the correct muscle groups and using them to their full capability, and it reduces the risk of injuries or muscle strains. If you aren't sure how a movement should be done, don't be afraid to ask the instructor.

3. Engage your core
Your core is used in just about everything you do, though you may not even realize it. A strong core is essential for balance and stability, creates good posture, reduces unnecessary strain on your back muscles and makes it easier to do the simple and strenuous activities of daily life.

4. Don't forget to stretch
Stretching is an important step which shouldn't be overlooked after a workout, and it can even be beneficial at the end of the night before bed. Some of the benefits include improved flexibility and performance, increased blood flow to your muscles and reduced risk of developing injuries.

5. Mix up your workouts
Alternating between strength-training and cardio-based classes, as well as mixing up the intensity of the classes you take, is a good way to keep your body and mind challenged. It also prevents your workouts from losing their effectiveness and helps you avoid reaching a plateau where the workouts become too easy or you become bored.

Tune in tomorrow for five nutrition tips to help you with the 60 DAY SUMMER CHALLENGE - after all, the real results (especially with regards to body fat) are earned in the kitchen...