
Get your zzzz's this weekend

It's the weekend and so ideally you actually have the time to get some extra sleep.
Sleep, no surprise, is ultra-important.

Not getting enough sleep can affect every single aspect of your life - your mood, your energy levels, your metabolism, your happiness and your relationships. It's essential to make it a priority each and every night. 

If you feel you're lacking enough of it and looking for some solutions, there's a great article out in the Mind & Body section of Shape Magazine this week which may provide some insight and ideas for you.

Many think they have the right solution - sleep aids, a glass of wine before bed, even watching television before you drift off. But you may find these are actually hindering your ability to get the best deep sleep possible. 

If nothing else, it's important to truly slow down the pace of your life so you're able to relax at night.

Sweet dreams.