
Sweat or no sweat - be sportin' your sunscreen

If there's one fitness accessory we talk about incessantly around the Dynamic You Fitness studios it's the foam roller. It is truly magical.
But if there's one 'must-have' for your health it is -above all else- sunscreen. 

And not just in the summer. But since the sun is shining brighter and longer these days, it's time to remind you about it's importance.

Sunscreen is imperative - even when the sun is not out. Because, you know, even when it's cloudy as you head out the door in the morning (June Gloom anyone) or we spend an entire day under the clouds there's still a sun in the sky sending its' lovely UVB and UVA rays down to us.

With that said, there's no lack of choices out there - making it tricky and confusing to know which sunscreen is the best for you. Our friends at BurnThis have pulled together a great list of sunscreens at a variety of price points we encourage you to check out.

One last thing. If you know you've got a bottle of sunscreen hanging around the home somewhere, it's important to check the expiration date. While the Food and Drug Administration requires all sunscreens maintain their optimal strength for at least three years, you should always check the printed expiration date on the bottle or box. 
There's a lot of ways to stay healthy and young, but the fastest way to zap your youth is by not protecting your skin!