
Happy Mother's Day...to our moms

Happy Mother's Day from our entire Dynamic You Fitness family to yours!
Some of our team members have shared Mother's Day wishes to their moms and stories. We hope you enjoy celebrating your mother today, or if you are a mother we wish you a happy, stress-free day!

Mom always said I was her best friend, even as a kid I was her confidant. For Mother's Day, when I was five, I made a card for her which simply said "You're the best. I love you Mom!" with a big heart drawn in the middle of it. She had to stop the car because it made her tear up so much. She said it was the greatest gift she'd ever received. It still amazes me how the little things mean so much.  This photo, while not perfect, show's us goofing around; something we love. 
- Josh, Dynamic You Fitness Personal Trainer & Instructor

Dynamic You Fitness instructor, Gina, sends the following message to her mom: "Happy Mother's Day Mom!!! I wish we lived closer to one another!! xoxox" 
I think all of my clients have heard the story of my mom's first time in a Zumba class in Connecticut. (There's a song in particular I dedicate to her each time I play it) The instructor who was teaching that day had some ultra-risque choreography. My mom got through one verse of the song before she threw her hands up and stormed out. I heard her exclaim over the blaring music, "THIS IS JUST VULGAR!"   I stayed, of course, because I needed to get the song info and bring it back to California with me. 

Ever since she moved to the west coast from Pennsylvania (not the "right" coast, as her mom mentions on occasion), Jessica has missed her every day interaction with her mom. She is most grateful to her mom for the kindness and care she shows each day, and her ability to notice what others need before they have to ask for something. She is very excited to welcome her parents to California in a couple weeks and show them the fitness studio!

Melody says her mom is symbol of what every woman should be; kind, caring, supportive, compassionate. She has led by example in every way a mother should; contributing by opening her home, and by leading community service efforts locally and internationally. She is one of the most talented and completely humble servants of the people I have the pleasure of knowing and being raised by. 

From Nancy, our Nutrition Program and Weekend Manager...

"Happy Mother's Day Mom! Thank you for always supporting me and believing
in me and my dreams. I wouldn't be where I am today if it weren't for you,
and words can't express how blessed and lucky I feel. I love you!"

From our Founder and President, David...

Two of the best qualities my mom instilled in me are the ability to work as
team and never give up.

One of the funniest memories I have is when both of those qualities came
together for her and I was the day of my sister's high school graduation.

It was the morning of and our family dog, Prudence, was only two years old and
well...not very well trained... to put it nicely.  Luckily, as a small, West
Highland Terrier, this dog couldn't do much "damage" being untrained and
all, but she did cause a mini circus 20 minutes before we were to leave to
watch my sister walk for her graduation.

My mom and I were in the house talking when we noticed in the front yard our
precious Prudence running around.  The front yard is not gated and Prudence,
not being trained and all, was on the loose.  This had happened once before
and ironically there was only one thing that Prudence actually paid
attention to when it came to listening and calming down: our eight foot pool
skimmer we used to clean out our backyard pool.  She actually would
just bark at it but either way it induced a "non-running" reaction from her.
I quickly ran to the backyard and grabbed it while my mom shot out to the
front to try to catch her by hand.  That didn't work and Pru took off.

So there we were, in tandem, running through the neighborhood chasing this
little white dog, one calling her name (my mom), the other running with an eight
foot swimming pool skimmer (me).

We DID finally catch up to her luckily avoiding the street and having to
just stay in backyards.  Prudence noticed the skimmer - and my mom's calls -
and sat down, happy as a clam and finally tired from her excursion.  We were
winded and pressed for time, but could not stop laughing.  My mom and I
looked around.  We were in the backyard of one of her co-workers at the
pre-school she teaches at.  They were just watching the whole thing.
We couldn't really begin to explain that one for a minute but to this day they
always laugh about it too.

Even now, Prudence would still probably "run" if she got out of our gate,
though at 10 years old we'd easily be able to catch her minus the pool
skimmer of course.  Either way, I will never, ever forget my mom and I
chugging along, backyard through backyard, looking for our dear, fifth
family member with an eight foot pool skimmer in hand, while the family waited to
go to my sister's graduation.  Just another regular Saturday.  

Teamwork and perseverance. Thank you mom. I love you!