
When the number on the scale fluctuates

Weight. It's not a light subject. There are some who use the scale in moderation, with a good attitude. There are others who truly obsess over the number, let it define their entire day and themselves. And there are others who assume the number must be wrong (even, sometimes, if it's a good number.)

Shape Magazine is explaining some of the reasons for weight fluctuation. It's worth spending a few minutes to better understand the scale and your body when it comes to your weight. 

And then, whatever the number, keep it in perspective. It shouldn't define you. And it certainly shouldn't dictate your happiness. Remember as you're building muscle and improving your metabolism the shape of your body is changing. Sometimes, it's not really about the lbs. Sometimes its about realizing how much stronger you have become. That you can do a minute of burpees and not want to kill your instructor. That's a weight off your shoulders, if nothing else.