
A nutritious food to add to (almost) anything

 If you're not putting avocados in your grocery cart most weeks, you're missing out on what is both a nutritious and delicious food. Avocados usually come to mind when we think of guacamole ... a delicious and fun food. It's the chips that cause most of the problems with that yummy snack. 
Darn grains. 
But there are so many other uses for avocados ... before we get into some different food options, consider this...

We're into eating though, so while we'd be curious if you notice any of the above changes let's talk about a food packed with nutrients we want you to think about adding to just about everything you make to eat, in moderation.

Whether it's a salad, eggs, burgers, sandwiches, casseroles, pie (yes, we said pie), soups or even ice cream this amazing fruit (that's right, it's not a vegetable) can be used as an ingredient in a lot of different meals.

There are some really fun facts about avocados .... our favorite: 
A single avocado tree can produce about 500 avocados (or 200 pounds of fruit) a year. And there are 5,000 avocado growers in California. You should be relieved...when you start adding them to your grocery list you won't have to worry we'll run out. 

Aren't you grateful we took that worry away from you. You're welcome :)