
You're either in or you're out

 Here's the thing about commitment.

It's not easy. Whether it's to a person, a profession, something you're supposed to clean (like the refrigerator or your car) We all know it. Commitment is a bear. Especially when it comes to exercise. We have all had those minutes, hours or days when we have declared the intent to do more of whatever form of fitness works for us. The problem is, sometimes it hurts. Sometimes it's inconvenient. And let's just go there - there's always something more appealing to do.

It's true. Irritatingly so? Maybe. But it's just an hour out of your day...ideally four or five times a week.
Today - the day we've lost an hour thanks to daylight savings time - is probably not the ideal time to tell you that, we're aware. 

A wish for you from us- find an activity to get you moving, preferably several times a week.
Do it even when it's uncomfortable and less fun than Happy Hour at your favorite neighborhood spot.
Try something you never have before. Some of us - we'll leave out the names to protect the innocent - look truly ridiculous doing Zumba®. No, seriously.
But it will get you smiling. And it will provide content for amusing happy hour conversation, promise.