
7 ways to decrease negativity

Have you ever counted calories all day long? Or counted your steps in an effort to achieve the recommended 10,000 a day? How about the number of times you 'vent' in a given day?
It turns out if it's a bit too often, venting can cause you additional stress (rather than actually relieving it)
Not to stress you out, but stress management is a critical component in health.

Exceptional Living writer Dennisse Lisseth discusses how to lessen the amount of negativity in your life.

She addresses the ways it can have a not so great impact on your life, including weight gain, imbalanced hormones, difficulty sleeping, anxiety and more.

And in case you were looking for some medical back up of this information, Web MD has a great deal of information about stress on their website. We don't want you stressing to find it....so here's one article about the effects of stress on your health.

And if you're wondering whether your knowledge about stress is up to par, check out this quiz.