
Lacking energy? It might not be what you think.

It's not so unusual to hear a client is sore. When you work your muscles differently each week and work hard to achieve results, you're going to experience muscle fatigue. From time to time we hear our clients tell us they aren't just sore, or even tired, they feel worn down. 

It's easy to start assuming it's related to lack of sleep, less than ideal nutrition choices or even stress. But while all those causes could be contributing, it also might be a lack of Vitamin D.

 A recent article in Prevention Magazine addresses the possibility that you're worn out from a lack of proper amounts of Vitamin D.

If you have especially sensitive skin or you happen to live in an area with more clouds than sun, you just might need to get the recommended daily amount from supplements. 

Just don't put yourself in a situation where you're actually getting too much. And for more information on how much is too much and the best ways to get it right, Prevention Magazine has you covered.