
Taste it Tuesday ...Foods to protect your bones!

From our resident Nutrition Program Manager, Nancy is here to share some important information about protecting your bones. 
Plus other options too!

Did you know that the human body contains 206 bones? That's a lot! We only get one set of them, and what we do now can have a huge impact on how well they work later in life.

As we grow during our child and teen years, our body works hard to build a strong and healthy skeleton. Our bones ultimately reach their strongest point in our late 20's/early 30's.

Unfortunately, as adults, our bones naturally start to weaken and we lose about 1% of our bone mass every year. For women, the rate of bone loss is accelerated to 2-6% during menopause, and it returns to 1% again thereafter.

But don't worry. There are two ways to keep your bones strong as you age, and you are already doing the first one every time you visit Dynamic You Fitness- exercise! Any kind of weight-bearing activities or movements that have impact on your joints will strengthen not only your muscles, but your bones as well.

The second part is by eating a healthful diet. Calcium, vitamin D, and many other vitamins and minerals are needed for strong bones, and it is possible to fulfill your daily needs simply by eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts and seeds, and dairy products. 

If you are lactose-intolerant, there are plenty of non-dairy substitutes out there that taste great and provide the same amount of calcium and vitamin D as their dairy counterparts.

Be aware that certain foods and lifestyle habits can also weaken your bones over time and counteract all of your hard work, including eating a lot of meat and high-sodium foods, smoking, and heavy alcohol use.

It’s never too late to make changes and keep your bones strong!

Incorporate more of these high-calcium, nutrient-rich foods into your daily routine and your bones will thank you!

Non-fat or low-fat yogurt
Swiss cheese
Cheddar cheese
Mozzarella cheese
Skim or low-fat milk

Soy milk

Almond milk
White beans
Fortified orange juice